Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Can't Wait

I can't wait for the new season of Lost to begin, two weeks from tomorrow. It's been a long wait but I'm hopeful Damon Lindelof & Co. have been hard at work on good stories and scripts.

I have so many questions... argh! I can't wait to find out:

-who is on the ship that is off the island's coast especially since we know that it's not Penny's ship
-who is Jacob
-what was going on with Kate and Jack in the flash-forward episode
-how does Naomi have a photo of Penny & Desmond
-who was in the casket in the flash-forward episode
-what is the deal with Richard who doesn't age
-why do some people see deceased persons from their past: Ben seeing his mom, Jack seeing his dad
-what healed Locke and Rose, and does Rose also have a special relationship with the island & possibly Jacob
-was a plane really found near Bali, like Naomi claimed
-where are Walt and Michael, and what's up with Walt
-what's up with the monster smoke and the voices that we heard in season 1

Last fall I enjoyed two new shows on NBC which starred a couple of actors from hit HBO shows: "Life" with Damian Lewis of "Band of Brothers" and "Journeyman" with Kevin McKidd of "Rome". Life is a much better show but Journeyman was entertaining to watch.

I also got hooked on Heroes last fall. I missed the first season so I watched season 1 on dvd last summer and thanks to DVR I got caught up on season 2. What a fun show! "Save the cheerleader, save the world."

But I digress... two weeks until Lost begins.... let the countdown begin.

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