Today's an odd anniversary. Five years ago today I received a dreaded call from my neurologist. "Your MRI results confirm that you have MS." I didn't even know what MS was at the time. I asked if that I meant I was going to be one of Jerry's kids.
So here I am five years later. The five year mark is an important milestone for alot of medical conditions. You hear about five year remissions in people living with cancer. It's similar with MS. How someone with MS is doing at their five year mark often determines how their future will be. So today is bittersweet for me. I can't imagine living the rest of my life with the constant tingling, fatigue and vision problems that I've got but it could be alot worse. Some people start to decline rapidly and nothing stops it.
I've been sitting at work today thinking that I should somehow commemorate today, it's kind of a big day, so this is it. Some random thoughts.